How the Water You Use to Make Vodka Impacts Its Flavour

 Vodka is a clear, distilled liquor that is made from water and grains or other vegetables. It is the most popular spirit in the world and is commonly used in mixed drinks and cocktails. The flavour of vodka is largely influenced by the type of water used to make it.

Different waters can have different levels of minerals and other impurities, which can impact the flavour of the vodka. For example, water with a high mineral content can give vodka an “earthy” taste, while water with a low mineral content can make it taste “cleaner.” With the right mineral content in the water, you can make the best vodka cocktails. Check out some of the best vodka recipes for cocktails at Gattertop Drinks.


To make the best-tasting vodka, distillers experiment with different waters to find the perfect one for their recipe. In this article, we will take a closer look at how the water you use to make vodka can impact its flavour.

The Water You Use to Make Vodka Impacts Its Flavour

When it comes to making vodka, the water you use is just as important as the other ingredients. Water is the base of vodka, and its flavour and texture are heavily influenced by its composition. Different waters can have different levels of impurities and minerals, which can impact the vodka’s flavour. If the water contains too many impurities, it can ruin the flavour of the vodka, while using purer, more filtered water can make the flavour more consistent. Distillers must make sure to use the right type of water that is free of contaminants and has the right mineral content for their vodka.

The Type of Water You Use Matters

The type of water you use to make vodka matters because different types of water contain different levels of minerals, which can impact the vodka’s flavour. If the water contains too many minerals, it can give the vodka an “earthy” or “muddy” flavour. However, purer, more filtered waters can provide a cleaner and more consistent flavour. As such, distillers must experiment with different waters to find the perfect one for their vodka.

Distilled Water is the Best Option for Vodka

Distilled water is the best type of water to use when making vodka because it is the purest form of water available. Distilled water has been through a process of evaporation and condensation, which strips out any impurities and minerals that can affect the flavour of vodka. This makes it perfect for making vodka because it provides a consistent and clean flavour.

Filtered Water Can Also Be Used to Make Vodka

Besides distilled water, filtered water can also be used to make vodka. Filtered water has been through a process of filtration, which removes any debris, impurities, and minerals that can affect the flavour of vodka. Although filtered water is not as pure as distilled water, it can still provide a good flavour for vodka. Distillers must experiment with different filters and filtration processes to find the best-filtered water for their vodka.

The Minerals in Water Impact Vodka’s Flavour

The minerals in water can also impact vodka’s flavour. Water with a high mineral content can give vodka an “earthy” or “salty” flavour, while water with a low mineral content can provide a cleaner and more consistent flavour. Distillers must make sure to use water with the right mineral content to achieve the desired flavour. If the water contains too many minerals, it can give the vodka a harsh or unpleasant taste. Likewise, if there are too few minerals in the water, the vodka may taste flat and flavourless.

The Source of Your Water Matters

The source of your water is also important when it comes to making vodka. Different sources of water can have different impurities and mineral levels, which can impact the flavour of the vodka. For example, water from rivers and lakes has a higher mineral content than water from underground wells, and water from underground wells usually has fewer impurities than tap water. Distillers must experiment with different sources of water to find the perfect one for their vodka.

How You Filter Your Water Matters

The way you filter your water is also important when it comes to making vodka. Different filtration processes can remove different types of impurities and minerals, which can impact the flavour of the vodka. For example, charcoal filtration is great for removing chlorine from tap water, while reverse osmosis filtration is great for removing contaminants and small particles. Distillers must experiment with different filtration processes to find the right one for their vodka.

The pH of Water Affects Vodka’s Flavour

The pH of the water you use can also impact vodka’s flavour. Generally, water with a pH of 7.0 (neutral) will provide the most consistent flavour for vodka, as it does not contain any acidic or basic compounds that can affect the flavour. However, some distillers prefer to use slightly acidic or slightly alkaline water to enhance the flavour of the vodka. Using water that is too acidic or too alkaline can give the vodka an unpleasant flavour.

Vodka Made with Spring Water Has a Different Flavour than Vodka Made with Tap Water

Vodka made with spring water can have a different flavour than vodka made with tap water. This is because the mineral content and pH of spring water are usually significantly different than the mineral content and pH of tap water. Spring water is usually low in minerals but high in other characteristics that can give the vodka a unique flavour, such as sulphur compounds and other dissolved gases.


In conclusion, the water you use to make vodka can significantly impact its flavour. Different types of water contain different levels of impurities and minerals, which can affect the flavour of the vodka. Distillers must experiment with different waters to find the perfect one for their vodka.

If you are looking for vodka that is natural and organic and made with high-quality ingredients, then Gattertop Drinks has craft vodka for you. Their collection includes Botanic №7 and Damson №12. These craft vodkas are made in small batches with the help of local artisans making them all the more rare and exquisite. You can enjoy the full benefits of becoming a member of Gattertop Drinks today! Get free delivery and a 10% discount. So hurry! Order a craft vodka to your doorstep from one of the leading sustainable alcohol brands in the UK.



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